Thursday, June 16, 2016


Cartoon Girl is taking a break from advice-giving. The more she learns, the more she realizes she doesn't know.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Favorite book of 2012

Dear Cartoon Girl,

What was your favorite book of twenty twelve?  And can I have your phone number?

– Joe S.

Dear Joe,

Favorite novel?  I'd have to say Goliath, about the life and death of a North Carolina furniture town. Susan Woodring is the queen of omniscient point of view.  She's like one of the characters she writes about in an early chapter, when a pilot comes to town and takes people for three-dollar rides in his plane.  People aren't used to seeing Goliath from above, and the sight is "marvelous and upsetting."
Mia Robins remarked, "Why, I could just reach down there and change everything around!"  For years she remembered the sight, and she could always recall exactly what it was she had said.  "Change everything!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together.  Much later, she was still telling her niece Rosamond and her great-niece Agnes, "You have no idea how small everything really is."
Susan's book also has my favorite cover of 2012.

And no, Joe, I don't give out my phone number, sorry.  I don't like talking on the phone.  I prefer letters.

Cartoon Girl

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fan mail!

Dear Cartoon Girl,

Do you make up the questions, or do people really ask them?

– A fan in the fog

Dear Fan,

You're the first to sign yourself a fan, and for that I will hold you in my cartoon heart forever.

In answer to your question: my creator primed me with a few letters to get me started (sounds profound, huh?), but now my letters come from real people like you. I love getting letters, even if the questions sometimes make my head hurt.  Thanks for not sending one of those.

I gather from your postmark that the fog you refer to is one that rolls in off the Pacific. I spent the last week in the fog of a North Carolina mountaintop, at writing camp.  (Recognize my WILD hiking boots? Bestsellers!) We were called to meals by a clanging iron bell, and I made new friends and ran two pens out of ink.

Cartoon Girl